If you are interested in implementing an annual employee giving campaign within your company, here is an easy guideline to get started:
- Decide what time of year you want to implement an employee payroll deduction campaign. Many companies choose to run an employee giving campaign in conjunction with employee benefits open enrollment, during a company-wide meeting or at the beginning of the calendar year.
- Consider matching employee donations or hold a prize drawing to encourage employees to give. Keep the campaign active and fun. Active campaigns are more successful than passive ones (see Employee Payroll Deduction Template).
- Utilize ATSS Foundation’s PowerPoint presentation and talking points to share information about our nonprofit with your employees (contact ATSS Foundation for a copy).
- Employees who are informed and educated about the campaign are more likely to give – and give generously. Respect those who choose not to give.
- Think about securing pledges from senior leadership, then management first before asking your employees to give.
- Efforts should be made to ensure the employee’s pledge is kept confidential.
- The number one reason why employees do not give is because they are not asked. Make sure to send regular reminder communications, campaign updates, instructions for giving and where to go if an employee has a question or needs help.
Contact ATSS Foundation at Foundation@atssa.com or 540-368-1701 to help you get started.
If writing a check to American Traffic Safety Services Foundation is difficult right now, you can still help support us. Giving through payroll deduction at your place of employment is a simple and an effective way to help.
Having only five or ten dollars deducted from each pay period can make a big difference in helping ATSS Foundation continue to provide much-needed programs.
Many people look at the deduction as no more than the cost of a fast food meal, a movie ticket or a cup of coffee. Many employers run payroll deduction campaigns during the fall, and many even offer matching gifts for each employee’s donation. Please consider authorizing an amount to be deducted from your check each payday designating American Traffic Safety Services Foundation as the recipient.
Contact your human resources department to see if your employer has a payroll deduction campaign.