Submit a Request to Use The ATSS Foundation Logo
Thank you for your interested in using the American Traffic Safety Services Foundation (ATSS Foundation) logo(s). We have a simple permissions process for these requests. Please read and fill out the information below.
Conditions for Logo Use
When using logos, taglines, names and images, please complete the form below and follow guidelines as outlined in the ATSS Foundation Style Guide pages. For additional information, please call The Foundation at 540-368-1701 or email
- Permission to use or reprint The Foundation logo(s) or image(s) is granted only for one-time use and only for purposes listed in the statement of intended use. Please apply in writing for any additional reprints.
- Permission does not include the right to syndicate, rent or loan.
- If you wish to edit or use the logo in a way other than stated in the ATSS Foundation Style Guide pages, ATSSA/The Foundation must approve the change before it will grant permission. You may not alter or manipulate logos or images in any way without permission.